Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Yesterday my employers requested that I open a bank account. This ordinarily would not be considered an unreasonable request or troublesome exercise. However, the problem is I had asked about opening account a few times, only to be fobbed off. The problems is you need a passport to open an account and you need to hand in ur passport to get your alien registration card. I had carried out the latter on Friday, so immigration still had my passport. Nevertheless, work asked me to try and open the account with my work id. Basically, a lanyard id thingy, so off I went despite my protestations.

So I go to the bank and suprise, suprise I cannot open the account with an ID. I feel like a twit having gone a fools errand and having Korean bank workers staring at me like the new village idiot. I get back to work and report back that I could not open my accont.

Work say; "Did you not talk to them?"
Me: "Sorry?"
Work say:" You should have talked to them, chatted them around."
Me: Baffled westener grin
Work say: "You are a debater you should have talked them around."

Now despite the fact that the director seemed quite agitated with me and the situation, I could not help but laugh. I mean I'm a mace finallist not Derren Brown. Did they really expect me to give it; "Now this ID malarkey, thats a bit of a false dichotomy now is it not?" "Now what you have to understand about the role of a bank in globalised economy is..." I mean did they actually believe I could talk round bank workers, who hardly spoke english, because I had done a bit of debating? Genuinely, honestly, astonishingly they considered this to be the case...


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