Sunday, January 21, 2007

Latest banter.

They really do not like the Japanese out here. In fairness, Japan did invade, conquer and then brutally run Korea for a number of years. However, can't they just chill out....

It seems not. In fact, evidence would suggest even the younger generation had a deep recepticle of resentment stored up for the Japanese. This morning I was explaining the possible dangers of climate change. I was outlining how a dodgy collapse of the polar ice caps could result in the creation of a tsumani. I jokingly suggested this would give Seoul a beach five minutes, not an hour away. The someone asked if this would destroy Japan. I answered that it certainly might, but I was no expert. This triggeed hysterics and manical glee from even the sweetest denizens fo the classroom. Scary.

In other news, a somewhat drunk elder gent attempted to accost me on the subway. I was not scared of course, it would have been like an old dude like Franco Marrufo trying to start something. He began by prodding me on the chest and drunkenly slurring at me at high volume. The only word I recognised was 'foreigner', which was used repeatedly. Now my Korean is pretty basic, but I did not think he was saying: “Welcome handsome foreigner to my land, I am happy to welcome aman of such charisma and stature to Korea. I hope you are happy here and let me signify this by jabbing you in the chest with my index finger.” It was more like he wanted to do, what Franco will want to do, if he reads the above reference.

In further news, apparently my boss thinks I am stupid. I'll let people give guesses in the comments section as to why. If anyone is reading of course.


Blogger Flav said...

Im reading mate, but im not willing to score points off of the ridiculous open goal that is "Reasons flemingk's boss thinks he's stupid"...oh ok then, perhaps its because you left a promising career in public health advertising just to try out being an ethnic minority for a while. Or because you're teaching people how to pick an argument in a country that borders the most unstable and petty nuclear power in the world. Or because he's gotten wind of the fact that you're picking fights with franco marrufo and is aware that ASIA WILL NOT SAVE YOU. Anyhew mate, keep the blog topped up, catch you soon, Flav x

1:04 PM  
Blogger Special_K said...

Its apparently because I am Scottish, flav.

Yes not being American, has me classified as a fool.

Some people have pointed out I was the Scottish mace champion, however that is just like being the stupidity champion it seems.

Thanks for posting dude, I think you may be the only person looking!

6:08 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Definitely at least one other person reading.

2:10 AM  

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