Monday, February 26, 2007

It is another lovely day in Korea. The sun has been shining and this is always a good mood booster.

So, I slept in this morning. I was supposed to be up at half seven to go and some coaching banter at a univesity this morning. However, I had my phone on vibrate and so missed my alarm and then the numerous calls enquiring where the hell I was. Embarassing to say the least. And rather than call and apologise, I just sent a grovelling e-mail. Debaters eh?


Another funny story from the world of Koren debating teaching. Yesterday at work, I had to send one of my classes to break a bit early. Usually, I do this because I am bored or annoyed, however I actually had a more pressing concern at the time. Nature was calling in a big way and nothing could delay my rendezvous with a toilet cubicle. So I entered, and the unholy evil that commenced would be banned by the censoring board if ever filmed. These scenes would not even make a Vietnam War film. However, some of the young boys have begun to realise that some poor soul is having trouble in there...

They start to bang on the door.
"Who is crapping they shout."
"The smell is terrible."
"You sound like you are in pain."

Now as far as I am concerned, interfering with a person doing the business is about acceptable as the torture and starvation of prisoners of war. A mans crapper is his castle. (And that should be in the Genevea convention.)

Finally, after this ordeal is over I rise, even as the malcontented miscreants have continued their malevolent manipulations. I open the door and the faces of the little buggers drop. They become rigid and a mask of terror seems to come across their faces. I simply nod and they run like Luke Robertson going to Boots to get his monthly fake tan supply.

I am beginning to feel this blog is developing a really sophisticated and nuanced level of cultural analysis.


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