Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some more good banter from the Korean kids.

A few days ago, I had a problem in class. One of the boys called one of the other girls a prostitute. She was understandably upset, as I am sure it will be a few years before she resorts to being a lady of the night. In all seriousness. I took the young man out for a stern talking to, although I suspected that he was not entirely sure of what he was saying. True enough, he was not aware of quite what the word meant.

So what is a prostitue?

Well, its something that some women do?”

Like what.”

Well they do things with men for money.”

Like what.”


Like what.”

You know things that two people who love each other might do.”

They shout at each other.”

Well, not exactly, well they might... just don't call people that!”

I will give him Dyson's e-mail address after the next rugby club dinner, so he can explain what a rent boy is.

It is Korean new year this weekend. This is a time of mass travelling in Korea, as families get together to spend the period together. I have been asking my students about their plans and most seem pretty excited. Mostly they are happy about the fact they get money off their elders.

One lad Eric however was not. Now Eric is a genuinely bright spark, an incredible english speaker for his age and generally one of my favourite kids. However, when he is not quite enthused about New Year.

Are your family coming?#

Sigh... “Yes.”

Do you not like your family Eric?”

I do, but is just that...”

Just what?”

They always ask the same questions. Am I studying hard? Am I behaving? How is school? The same questions and the same answers. Uhhhh.”

I had to smile and I tried not to break the little guys spirit by telling him that much of his discourse with his extended family will remain this repetetive and mundane. Except insert the words work/college/children. Luckily, I am close with much of my extended family. However, when I do meet up with those on the outer fringes of my genetic gang, the chat is pretty much excruciating. Shitty small talk it seems, is a universal annoyance.


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