Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I think it would be wise for Douglas Alexander to fall on his sword for this one. People are looking for blood on this and they will not stop until they get it. For example, my nana was on messenger for about forty five minutes yesterday, giving it what for, albeit typing astonishingly slowly. Also, you know you are in trouble, if a disparate coalition of Jim Devine, Mark Lazarowicz and John Robertson are coming after you. The East Scotland hardnut, the hippy QC and the West Coast curry muncher. Now he is a friend of Gordon Brown, which is why a dignified resignation would have meant a bump in the road, rather than the end of his political career. If he allows this to draw on, his reputation will be damaged irrecoverably and not even Britain's greatest chancellor in the world and all of history will be able to help him.

Also, he maybe should resign because it looks to be his fault, obviously.

In other news it is raining very heavily today. And I thought I did not have an umbrella, But then I found an umbrella, which means I won't get wet. Yeah, I really don't have much news.


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