Thursday, May 17, 2007

I went back to the gym today and this time I got an actual sort of physical examination thingy. It involved standing on a set of scales, but then I also had to hold these handles while I did it. It then basically analysed me and told me...well what it told me I am not entirely aware. I do this, it turns out I have the same level of body fat as a pork scratching. It told me that I have an 'apple' body shape and this is not right. I suppose I should be a carrot or a stick of celery or some other type of vegetable.

Another rather strange feature of this gym struck me today. There are T-Shirts and Shorts available that the patrons are supposed to wear, with the logo of the gym emblazoned on them. How weird is that? The only place where wearing collective clothing, as worn and other by others, strikes me as acceptable is in a prison. This is acceptable, because well its a prison and bad stuff happens to the people in there. But at the gym...weird.

Anyway, despite the slight Shawshank touches, it is a very good idea that I try and do some exercise. As I currently sport a degree of flexibility that is reminiscent of Ozzy Osbourne.


Blogger Rowners said...

I think a carrot is the ideal for men.... celery would just be weird.

You missed Clemency Burton-Hill on Question Time. She would lead you to the right even more than the New Labour project has...

5:55 AM  

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