Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My mum and sister arrived in Seoul on Monday. Needless to say I am delighted to see them and their presence has lifted my spirits hugely. However, it is extraordinarily surreal to see them here. My life here is so completely separated from everything at home, that seeing them here, meeting my friends here, seems completely alien and unnatural. It is like they just should not be here, it does not compute. (Maybe now the Zeta-Jones felt when Michael first came round for tea.) More than their company, they brought Irn Bru with them, ah heaven....


Events at asylum A continue to be interesting. At the start of this new month we lost more students. The program is not doing well and we are continue to lose kids like the Iraqi Navy leaks water. They are already losing money and I am not sure how long they can keep this up. We are due to undergo a relaunch in May or June, but I am not sure what is going to happen. They cannot keeping backing failure. If they do, it'll soon be known as the John Reid debate program.

On Sunday, I judged one of the worst, yet most entertaining debates I have ever seen. It was a debate on political assassination. In which some of the following claims were made:

Saddam Hussein should be assassinated. (Sorry folks, that ship has sailed.)
The Nazi's killed JFK and Abraham Lincoln. (Yes an evil assassin named Johann Wilkes Bothen and Lee Harven Oswalden did the business using a time machine. What was really funny is the speaker who made these absurd statements became quite insistent, culminating in the classic POI:

"Would it not have been best if JFK had killer Hitler using political assassination first?"
"So, he should have let himself be killed, ridiculous!"

At the end of the debate I explained how this butchering of history contributed to his teams loss. He then started to argue with me, I proved my point by fetching an encyclopedia. And then smashing his face in with it.


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