Thursday, April 12, 2007

So the Fleming family have now left Korea and I would guess they are somewhere above China as I type. It was really great having them here. I managed to get quite a few days off and spent a lot of time with them. They seemed to enjoy it, but they we were undoubtedly intimidated by the language barrier, especially in terms of ordering food.

Their presence here basically made me get up off my backside and do some touristy stuff and I definitely enjoyed some of it. For instance, I went to the War Museum with my dad yesterday and as a history buff it proved to be right up my alley. However, it was not without it’s shall we say Korean touches. The first part of the museum concentrated on war between the ‘three kingdoms’ of Ancient Korea. Part of this was a display on General Anbae. Anbae apparently braved defended his kingdom against impossible odds and killed his family. Yes, killed his family. In order to spare them the shame of being slaves to the evil invaders, he bravely killed them. This display was accompanied by a little play with the worst acting this side of River City. Frankly, all of it left me with was the conclusion that Anbae was either a stupid bastard or an evil bastard. Could the family not have legged it to the hills? Gotten a boat? It’s not like he was the head of the army or anything…oh wait a minute. However, the very interesting exhibits and it made a very strong effort to salute the sacrifice of the 21 UN nations that fought during the Korean War. It also had a statue outside of what looked to be two soldiers embracing. However, I could not help but think that one soldier looked like he was trying to go down on the other soldier….
“Oh god, war is hell!”
“Indeed it is, now suck me off bitch.”

I had forgotten how much I enjoy taking the piss out of my mother and sister, but they frankly give it away. Within days they began discussing the different foods they were missing. “Oh I would love a cup of tea. You can’t get nice bread here.” Finally: “You must miss a bacon sandwich, Kenneth.” Yes I replied incredulous. This patter continued as they engaged in a discourse that would make the ignorant believe they were in fact on an Artic expedition and not in fact in one of biggest cities on Plant Earth.

I think my family enjoyed Korea on the whole, but I do not think they will be back. It definitely has interesting tourist stuff to do, but not really in proportion to its size. The palaces for example are like boybands, they are nice to look at, but they hardly entertain for hours and once you have seen one you have seen them all. Seoul is with some noticeable exceptions, the worst city for architecture I have ever seen, just endless, almost totalitarian repetition of concrete tower blocks. Even the more creative attempts often end up looking hugely naff. Restaurants are rarely bilingual and not everyone is comfortable with my own random point and smile technique. However, it is very different over here and they certainly found it engaging. They had some good food though and they got to see me of course, which is well worth the trip. In fact if the Korean tourism Ministry got in touch…

My parents are not the only goodbyes I have had to make this week. Scott and David, the two guys I worked with at asylum B headed off. They are both headed off to that hellhole San Francisco. With it’s cuisine, weather and culture. I could weep for them. Scott was my favorite Karaoke partner and our rendition of Gangstas Paradise left an indelible impression upon all those who witnessed it.pleasure to work with them and I am sure our paths will cross again.

However, I have also said goodbye to Asylum B this week. The ‘elite’ debate academy that I worked at the weekend has closed its doors. However, no one actually bothered to tell me. I actually called up to ask about my month’s salary that had not been paid. Only then did I get the confirmation that it was being closed. I am still working out whether the place has unraveled so far that no one has paid the staff, or they are raveled just enough to remember not to. Either way, it sums up the pathetic manner that sorry place was run in. I have never seen disorganization like I did there. I remember the first weekend I taught there and how excited I was. I have not seen squandering of potential like this since the break up of Busted. (How could the solo careers have gone so wrong?)

What this means for me generally, I do not know. I have been told by Asylum B that Asylum A will be picking up my hours and wages. However, my boss at Asylum A does not seem to know anything about these development. As ever, it remains an enigma wrapped inside of a riddle with a side order of secret fries. (Secret fries are in fact eaten with Ketchup, not mayonnaise.) I’ll keep it playing it by year, but I might be making my own final goodbyes soon.


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