Wednesday, July 25, 2007

In very exciting news, I am off to Bangkok for about five days! Niall Rowantree is out there working on solar panels or what not and I am to go and experience the thrills of Thailand. My colleague and buddy Phil is also coming along for this rampaging romp of revelry. I really, really cannot wait too get out of Korea and I have long, wanted to visit Bangkok. Should be smashing.

I have also started reading the last Harry Potter, I ripped through quite a lot of it last night and I have cleared my busy schedule to finish it off this evening. I love the adventures of the boy wizard. Naysayers be damned.

Some intriguing experiences on the subway yesterday. Now usually, no one ever talks to me when I am on the subway. Not surprisingly, people just keep themselves to themselves. However, yesterday two Koreans both approached me on the subway. The first was an Elderly woman who enquired as to whether I was a doctor or some sort of intellectual. The reason being that she thought I looked very intelligent reading a Nick Hornby novel on the subway. She probably did not realise who Nick Hornby is. I mean he writes some very good , yet eminently accessible books, its hardly Dostoevsky is it? Nevertheless, she continued to pleasantly witter on in no way put off by the I Pod headphones in my ears. Eventually I heard those magic words: “Have you heard of Jesus Christ?”

This happens quite happen actually, I would say a good third of the times I have been chatted to by strangers here, it has merely been a prelude to some evangelising. I have developed a stock answer which usually works rather well:

Jesus Christ, why yes of course I have heard of him. Gold, frankincense, Mir and all that jazz. I know this as I was raised as a Christian actually. Good Church of Scotland boy, Boys Brigade and everything where I was in fact a champion at both Bible knowledge and reading, Yet as many questions as I could answer, as many indoor games of crab football I played and whenever I wen to church , I just , just.....never saw God there. However, I respect the faith of individual Christians a great deal, although sometimes I am wary of the institutions behind them. Nevertheless, I do overall respect the incredible importance of Judeo - Christian morlaity in forming the modren, western system of ethics of which I am a product. Does that answer your question? Oh theres my stop, bye!” Typically leaving a somewhat baffled looking Korean in the seat.”

After that I met a very nice Gentleman who was a subway worker. He also guessed that I was a teacher and said he was proud to meet a man of such intelligence. (These guys really need to any of my university coursework.) Anyway, he was very interested in speaking to me as he said studying English was his hobby. He was once a businessman who now only worked part time. We then had a long discussion during which I let a few trains go by, as I explained the geography and political make up of the British Isles. It ended up being a tad garbled as he seemed to be under the impression that the Republic is in fact actually ruled from London and that the Queen rather more day to day influence than she does. Possibly he was once taught by an elderly Conservative. However, I gave him some banter for a while and he was impressed to see my passport I was carrying.

Anyway, I just finished a class that really makes me want to get on that plane. This class are to be entirely honest, a bunch of morons. Not nasty or anything, but just appear so sluggish and dim witted that they could be outfoxed by an actual fox. A fox that was a bit pissed and everything. The class now has two girls in it who like to sit next each to other. This is always a problem as they sit there and cackle and giggle away like a scene from Macbeth put on a by school for those with learning disabilities.

Ah well, I love you long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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