Thursday, June 21, 2007

The heavens have opened and they will not be closing for about a month. Yes, it is rain time in Korea and there will not be a day without rain for weeks. On average, 14 inches of rain will come down during July and I do not care who you are, fourteen inches is a lot. It means that I will carrying around my trusty umbrella at all times, as showers will be more frequent than a Jessica Simpson to the plastic surgeon. As I have mentioned before the rain here is nasty acid rain, infected by the massive amounts of pollution being produced by China. Also, I have no doubts that accident rates will go up, as Korean drivers lack the skills of Michael Schumacher at Spa.

Otherwise, Derek has arrived safely and I will be seeing him tomorrow possibly, but if not definitely tomorrow.


Blogger Aloysius said...

This is actually from Moira, other half of John and Moira from blog-response centre in the heart of Biarritz. Our dog, Seumus, also writes from time to time but he is a bit selective about his audience as many people believe dogs cannot write. He has had a monthly circulated diary for several years now. Anyway, that is us; essentially friends of Niall but willing to respond to solo souls in far places that we have never visited.

I have to confess that football references do not claim my attention and John and I did wonder why you have chosen a white print on black background style - not the easiest to read, especially in the evening. (I could be giving our ages away here). I loved the bit about castigating the pupil for writing on the desk, just like a "real" teacher. Such situations happen to parents on a daily basis when they find themselves echoing the exact awful words that they heard in their own youth and childhood. It looked very good in print.

Please continue to tell us interesting things about Korea. The polluted rain sounds awful. Does it really go on incessantly?

Enough for now or my comments will be as long as your blog. Might resort to boring you with tales of our son (Oxford PPE) and his impending French wedding........

5:44 AM  
Blogger Rob Marrs said...

Hi mate,

Glad to hear Derek arrived safely.


3:40 PM  

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