Monday, June 11, 2007

In many of the messenger conversations I have with people, their opening salvo is usually to ask if I have eaten any dog yet. I think this is indicative of two things, how pervasive the notion that dog eating is part of Korean culture and the amazingly unimaginative and rank banter pedaled by many of my friends. With regards the dog eating, I have never eaten dog, nor in fact ever been to a restaurant that serves it. It is as I understand a fairly specialized sort of establishment that does. In fact, I have never actually spoken to a Korean who has eaten dog. Koreans however, really do love dogs.

Now I do not mean that they really enjoying eating dogs, in fact Koreans are very big on keeping dogs as pets. Well kind of. You see, the dogs that most of the Koreans seem to have are some of the crappier dogs that have ever walked the face of the earth. They are all tiny creatures around the size of a Chiuaha. Rubbish, totally rubbish. That is not a proper dog. A labrador is a proper dog. A colly is a proper dog. A sheepdog is a proper dog. These dogs are just cruel genetic mockerys of proper dogs. If you can lift a dog up with one arm and no effort it is not a proper dog. If a normal sized house cat is willing to take on a dog in a square go, it is not a proper dog.

By the way, I just looked at the new Olympic Logo. Without jumping on the bandwagon, it is horrendous. It looks like they sat down Stevie Wonder with a box of Crayola and just told him to go for it. The press release describes it as:

The new emblem is dynamic, modern and flexible reflecting a brand savvy world where people, especially young people, no longer relate to static logos but respond to a dynamic brand that works with new technology and across traditional and new media networks.”

Now having worked in PR for a short time, I can tell you what was going through the mind of the person writing this release:

I have no idea what the client wants, I do not know anything about the Olympics apart from Linford Christies lunchbox. Erm, I am not sure what the boss has in mind, as I was hungover during those team meetings. Alright, lets just go for 'dynamic' 'flexible' and 'modern'. These are words that are omnipresent in the deluge of PR magazines that come to work. Yeah add a bit about the Olympics as a brand. Bingo.”

Shite, profligate shite. Has anyone, ever, ever thought of the Olympics as static, rigid and archaic. Yes static and rigid, this event featuring the fastest people on the face of the planet and athletes who jump over large fences using magic bendy poles. Give me a break. The Olympics are supposed to be an epic, regal and majestic event, that is global in its reach and stature. This logo looks like something for Saturday morning TV where pop stars get gunged. Shameful.


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