Sunday, April 15, 2007

Music videos really are rubbish. This is the conclusion that I have drawn after spending an hour so of watching the Korean version of MTV. First off, we have Beyonce's new offering, called 'upgrade.' Musically it strikes me as a mixture of the run of the mill pap she has released since the pure dead brilliant 'Crazy in love.' I just could not believe how crappy the video looked. We start off with Beyonce writhing about in sand, with a little alligator wandering about. (It could have been a crocodile I suppose. ) What?! We then see Beyonce in the back of a white fancy car, wearing imaginatively all white. The video continues with these generic and tasteless set ups. I swear I think have seen more tasteful decorating at a seven year olds birthday party.

Up next we had Fergies' Glamorous. It featured Fergie in more dumb set ups including a sort of Bonnie and Clyde pastiche. She and the rapper Ludacris then shoot down some cops with a pair of guns. Well done on a gesture that is sure to play down the connections between hip hop and violence.

The other thing that strikes me as warped is how quite how many collabarations there are now. Can none of these stars record anything on their own. Do they get lonely and shy now in the big bad studio and soundstage all on their own. They all have to include a rapper so they can give the meaningful contribution of repeating the artists name over and over again. "Beyonce, Beyonce." "Shakira, Shakira." You know, just in case we forget the name of the person singing the song. I am sure the large population of record buying goldfish appreciate it, but I think it is a pain in the arse.

As I type, on came Christian Aguilera's 'Candyman.' Believe it or not this actually looked quite creative and fun. It also, featured Ms Aguilera featuring a pair of shorts so small they must have been stolen from the wardrobe of Kate Jones. Very nice.


Blogger Rob Marrs said...

Good stuff, old son. I've finally started blogging and have worked out how to do links... have linked here, although the way you are writing I think most people won't come back!


2:39 PM  
Blogger Rob Marrs said...

Oh, i've just re-read that. I mean they won't be coming back to my blog... not to yours. It was supposed to be a compliment.

8:41 AM  

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